View Full Version : May'09 Meeting

06-18-2009, 11:35 PM
On May 9th, 2009, the 17th meeting of the NJAGC (New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club) was held at Irwan's place in Queens, NY. Irwan has two gorgeous, well planted tanks with a wide variety of plants, bordering on collectoritis, but he certainly knows how to scape! Discussions on maintaining these mammoth tanks, the lighting and more ensued.

For information on the club and more info and pictures from the meeting, visit us at our site:
www.njagc.net (http://www.njagc.net/events/meetings/meeting_2009_05_09.htm)

http://www.njagc.net/images/meetings/20090509/resized/summary.jpg (http://www.njagc.net/events/meetings/meeting_2009_05_09.htm)