View Full Version : July'12 Picnic

Darek K
09-11-2012, 01:16 PM
On Saturday, July 21st 2012, the sixth annual NJAGC BBQ was held. Phil and his family hosted the event which was attended by 16 members.

For this meeting we all pitched in with food and made it kind of like a covered dish supper. There was plenty of good food to go around: BBQ Ribs, Macaroni and Cheese, Bacon Baked Beans, salads, chips, shrimp cocktail.....The talking was great too. It is always a good time when we get together.


The day was a really nice sunny one and made for a pleasant afternoon. It was good to meet some of our newest members there too.


Phil's tanks are recovering from his recent inability to care for them.


He has made them handicapped accessible so that he can maintain them with minimal help from others. That may really be no help from others. He is one amazing hobbyist.

For information on the club and more info and pictures from the meeting, visit us at our website:www.njagc.net (http://www.njagc.net/home.htm)