View Full Version : December'06 meeting

02-05-2007, 09:05 AM
On December 9, 2006, Ingo Schobert and his family hosted the second meeting of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club (NJAGC). 10 members came for the meeting. It kicked off with a pre-viewing discussion and refreshments. The meeting progressed into Ingo's planted tank room where he talked about his 4 tanks, their setups and "arrival" methods. More refreshments and a wrap up with another wonderful plant swap (and more) for all members.

For more info on the club and more from the meeting, visit us at www.njagc.net (http://www.njagc.net/).

http://www.njagc.net/images/meetings/20061209/summary/DSC_7056.jpg (http://www.njagc.net/) http://www.njagc.net/images/meetings/20061209/summary/DSC_7069.jpg (http://www.njagc.net/) http://www.njagc.net/images/meetings/20061209/summary/DSC_7094.jpg (http://www.njagc.net/)