View Full Version : March'07 Meeting

03-30-2007, 09:09 PM
On March 24, 2007, Jens Rohloff and his family hosted the fifth meeting of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club (NJAGC). 12 members, including 3 new ones turned up for another excellent meeting. Jens had three planted tanks, a quarantine tank and another big tank in the works open for discussion. The largest tank, a 50 gallon, had a fully automated water change system and more. Have a look on our web site for more about the meeting, or more information about our club.

For more info on the club and more from the meeting, visit us at
New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club (http://www.njagc.net/events/meetings/meeting_2007_03_24.htm)

http://www.njagc.net/images/meetings/20070324/summary/summ1.jpg http://www.njagc.net/images/meetings/20070324/summary/summ2.jpg http://www.njagc.net/images/meetings/20070324/summary/summ3.jpg
