January 30th, 2016

The NJAGC held our January 2016 meeting on the 30th, at Jim’s home in Bloomingdale, NJ. This meeting was rescheduled due to a blizzard the prior week. The meeting was called to order at 2:25pm by our President, Jerry Smith.

In attendance were:

Paula B. Ross A. Johnny
Jay Darek K. Jerry S.
Frank Stanley Gustavo
Raymund Jim

Jay provided a brief Treasury report. Jerry spoke to the group about upcoming events and field trips as well as NJAGC branded items coming soon.

Jim gave the group a tour of his tanks.

January 2016 (2 of 12)

Included in his collection are a 55 gallon convict cichlid tank,

January 2016 (3 of 12)

His 55 gallon tank is lightly planted mostly with anubias and new Crinum calamistratum.

January 2016 (4 of 12)Convicts looked healthy and happy in his tank.

January 2016 (5 of 12)

A 55 gallon saltwater reef tank

January 2016 (10 of 12)

A heavily planted 40 gallon breeder tank with micro fish.  A few members assisted Jim in installing co2 and a new heater in his 40 gallon tank.

Video of Jim’s aquariums


A 55 gallon driftwood tank

January 2016 (7 of 12)

Plant swap tableJanuary 2016 (6 of 12)

A plant swap took place and consisted of over a dozen plant varieties.

January 2016 (1 of 12)Johnny brought a jaw dropping Cryptocoryne cordata var. siamensis that he grows potted in his 180 gallon tank.

Shortly thereafter many participated in the re-scaping of Jim’s 55 gallon driftwood tank.

January 2016 Jerry

This time around Jerry showed us his dark side,  not only did he step on a perfectly fine Java Fern Trident but he also created an ever lasting mark in Jim’s tank using his index finger.  We still can’t explain this action or the reason behind his motives.

This spontaneous rescape required a lot more hardscape than what was available at the time of the meeting.  Executive decision has been ordered to dig out rocks right from Jim’s backyard.

January 2016 (9 of 12)

Jerry, Raymund and Gus washed the rocks in hot water.

January 2016 (11 of 12)

Several compositions have been arranged on Jim’s carpet and the final layout has been selected by the participating members.

January 2016 (12 of 12)

Image above shows the updated tank.  Join NJGAC to see this tank as it stands today.


On behalf of NJAGC, we would like to thank Jim for hosting this meeting. Additionally, we are very grateful to our members for their ongoing support and participation. We look forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting in March, which will be hosted by Gustavo.

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