The February meeting of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club was held on Saturday February 10, 2018 at Jason T’s home. Those in attendance were: Khanh T., Jerry S., Hock N., Darin P., Ryan B., Steve M., and our host Jason T. Food is always a part of our meetings and this one was no different. Jason made really delicious roast beef and meatballs with subs from Del Buono’s Bakery. Club members also contributed snacks, drinks and desserts. We had a great time viewing Jason’s 20 gallon long and 150 gallon tanks. As usual, we also had our plant swap at the end of the meeting.
The President and VP handling club business.
20 gallon long with green neons (hiding) and Apistogramma
150 gallon tank with a lot of anubias!