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Ross’s 75G tank

- Tank: Standard 75 gallon
- Filter: Fluval 406 canister
- Substrate: Mineralized mg organic potting soil mixed with Fluorite & earthworm castings topped with gravel.
- Dosing: Potassium & trace 2x wk.,iron weekly, 25% water change weekly with Prime.
- Lighting: Aquaticlife 48″ 4 X T5HO
- Photoperiod: 10 1/4 hrs.
- CO2 diffusion: None
- CO2 Rig: None
- CO2 dosage: Excel daily.
- Fauna: 3 Trichogaster trichopterus, 4 Puntius nigrofasciatus, 8-10 Paracheirodon axelrodi, 3 Botia kubotia, 1 Trichogaster lalius, 5 pterophyllum sp., 3 mikrogeophagus ramirezi, 2 poecilla latipinna, 4 poecilia riticulata, 3 caridina multidentata, 2 Pleco, 5 Nerite snails, 3 Iriatherina werneri.
- Flora: Ludwigia brevipes, Aponogeton longiplumulosus, Staurogyne repens, Proserpinaca paulustris, cabomba green & red, Hygrophila corymbosa,Hygro. salicifolia, Hygro. difformis, Microsorum pteropus, Marsilea hirsuta, Pogostemon stellatus, Nymphaea zenkeri, Echinodorus tennellus, Ech. kleiner, Limnophila, Cryptocoryne spiralis,wendtii bronze & lutea, Anubias nana & barteri, Cryptocoryne parva x petchi, Ludwigia repens, Limnobium laevigatum.
- Date: 05/09/2015
- Location: Morris county, NJ
I am friends with Sandi and she told me about your endeavor. Wow, this is stupendous! I never imagined it could be so beautiful. I am so glad I went on the web to see it. It is beautiful.
Sadly, our member Ross left this world over a year ago. This tank is history now.